Last Ride continued

Now I haven't fallen off a bike in 20 years, and I've done some stupid things before. But a fast down hill and sudden braking with front suspension is a whole new ball game! I went flying over those handle bars like superman with out a cape. Brushing myself off and looking around to make sure I hadn't been spotted, I continued my ride. Another mile later as I rounded a corner, I noticed a man about 50 yards away. He was leaning on a large granite rock that rested half submerged in Folsom Lake. This man was naked! This man was looking at me! Ahhhhhh! I pedaled fiercely away in the opposite direction and noticed painted on the rocks I was flying by, "Go Naked" and "Nude Beach". I had stumbled onto a nude beach sans-female! My luck. The rest of that ride was uneventful and left me with the idea that I could hang with the best.

The next trail I rode a couple of weeks later was Salmon Falls. Granite Bay is nothing compared to this trail. Where I was the only rider on Granite Bay, I saw 50 plus riders on this 14 mile trail. Funny, myself and one other were the only ones without helmuts! With rocky, steep downhill trails above the river canyon, I could see the why. I soon learned that there are some talented but insane people in this sport! People were flying by me like I was standing still. Ended up being a great ride.

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