Ashley Brown and Buddy doing a little bonding
prior to a hard day on the trail.
Click on picture for other shots.
Thanks to Tom and Carol for inviting Kathy and I on our first
"run". Ended up 13 or 14 bikes taking the back roads to Rainbow Lodge for lunch.
Photographer for Sunset magazine shot photos of all of us as we ate. Maybe we'll
make the final cut?! Would have had more pictures, but Kathy forgot to tell me the batteries were "dying"
in the camera until after we left! Click on the picture for additional shots.
Typical kid, Ashley Brown told mom Thursday night she had a project due the
next day. The project? Make a life size dog! (Of course she was given this assignment
months ago!) So $100.00 and many hours into the night,
Ann, Kathy and Ashley frantically put together this! Click on the picture for additional shots.