Live from Verdi, Nevada were sending you photos of our first time at Street Vibrations in the
Reno area. Ben, Tiva, Rick, Beth, Dave, Nancy, John and June all seasoned veterans of the event, showed us the ropes.
The first day, we did the downtown Reno thing along with literally thousands of other weekend "bikers". Bob Gavia,
whom I bought our bike from, was working at a friends booth and we ran into him also. We saw Tom and Carol passing us in
Carson City, but never hooked up with them. |
The second day was a little more memorable as Kathy and I had our first visit to a Cat House and saw
plenty of publicly exposed T and A! We also took the back way into Virgina City and blended in with those crowds most of
the afternoon. Scot,Ann, Sean, Ashley and Danny stayed next door to us at the RV spot in Verdi and hit the back
country with their quads and motorcycles. Click on the picture to see additional shots which I will add to as we go! |