I'm sorry I haven't written in a while, it's just that I've been so busy at work and also visiting one
of our EOD and firemen teams in another camp here in Afghanistan. I left Bagram on January 5 and came
back on January 12th. My supervisor SMSgt Shelton and I went to visit our teams and to fix a few things
with their computers and workplace. I enjoyed going to another FOB (Forward Operating Base) since it
was different to what I'm used to, plus I got to sleep in so that was great! I needed a little time off.
Now I'm back here at work and it's very hectic because we're getting about 44 new people and I have
to do all their paperwork/briefings, and make sure that everything is taken care of before they go to
their perspective FOBs. Included are pictures from my trip to Sharana. We actually got more snow while I was
there, so that was nice.
I hope that everyone had a nice new year's and that we all have a good 2007.....just about 4 more
months to go for me here in Afghanistan, so I'm extremely happy that it's gone by fast. I would
love to receive pictures from everyone, so if you have any pics that you can e-mail to me that would
be great! Please use this e-mail address I'm writing from since it's hard for me to check my other
e-mail address.