August 28th, 1990 Ben and I incorporated Commercial Interiors West. We leased 1500 square feet
of warehouse in North Highlands, CA on 32nd Street and just as we figured to be ready for business, Capital
filed for bankruptcy. It gave us the jump start we needed as Steelcase came to us and asked us to finish all
outstanding projects and of course we picked up most of Capital's crew to accomplish this. We had a couple of
months work with that and Pacific Bell began using our crews for their work. Jeff Hutson also came over
from Capital and started his own company Custom Transitions setting up shop in our small warehouse too.
Business wasn't enough to keep the
entire crew busy and by our 6th or 7th month we had to down size to match the work coming in. We had some lean
months that first year and of course Ben and I were the last to get paid.
By June of 1991 we were established but it was still tough sometimes. Jeff had moved his company into his own
space at the end of the complex and we had a full time crew of about 5 guys. One of our clients, Gary Lemons of SCIF
one day asked if I wanted to run the bike trail with him. I agreed and met him there on a fairly hot June day. As we
were on the return leg of the run, sweat pouring off of me and about to die, Gary mentioned he usually runs into
a couple of his clients at about this point on the trail. He also mentioned they were female. So I sucked in the
belly, straightened the back and as we rounded the bend, two gorgeous broads were coming our way. This is how I met
Kathy and Ann! They joined us on the run back and we all hit the water fountains to cool off and talk. We planned to
meet up with them at their brother's resturant that evening.
As planned we met at the River Bar and Grill owned and operated by their brother Brian. I didn't start it off so well
as I grabbed a seat next to Kathy and called her Ann. Some how she forgave me and the night took off from there. I soon
met her Mother, another brother Don and we were on our way to a concert at the Raddison Hotel that brother Brian had
organized. I was definitely hooked on this girl and we exchanged numbers. A couple of days later, after calling Ben and I
stopped by her business that she operated with her sister Ann, Castle Copy Service. I guess she was busy because my
charm didn't seem to be working and as we left, I knew she wasn't interested. In my douldrums one day about a week later,
Ben said I got a fax and it was from Kathy, lip print and all! The courtship was back on!
I was living in a one bedroom apartment with not much more than a bed, recliner and TV. I had the kids at that time,
every other weekend.