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(September 15th, 2022) Slater Jameson Brown is the newest member of the family. He was born at 11:59 A.M. today, 8 lbs 12 oz and 21.5" tall! Mariah is doing well too! Click on photo for more pictures!




(September 9th, 2022) Still a bachelor for a few more days, but have moved back to Verdi where we will be until November. We are going to make a 4 day stay in Tahoe later this week though. Mike and Annie stopped by on their way back to California and bought me lunch. Forgot to take pictures though. Click on photo for more pictures!


(September 5th, 2022) As I said below, Kathy, Ann, Jeff, Uncle Bob and cousin Scott all are in Hawaii for 7 days of the good life. They are in Kona at the Hilton resort. Kathy is my reporter and as she sends pictures, I will add to webpage! Click on photo for more pictures!




(September 4th, 2022) Kathy, Ann, Jeff, Uncle Bob and cousin Scott all are in Hawaii for 7 days! So now that I'm a bachelor for a week, what do I do? Head to Hawthorne, NV of course! We always zip through this town and at the most have done an overnight so with 3 days here I will explore a little more of it, do some work on the RV and some work on the computer. Click on photo for more pictures!

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